On-Page SEO: Best Guide for Page Optimization in Blogger

On-Page SEO is difficult in blogger as compared to WordPress platform. Because there is no any plugin in blogger to cover On-Page SEO. In WordPress, Yoast SEO is the best plugin for On-Page SEO.

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On-Page SEO for Blogger

On-Page SEO: Best Guide for Page Optimization in Blogger

But today we will discuss tips for on-page seo in blogger. On-Page SEO in blogger is different than WordPress.

On-Page SEO: Best Guide For Blogger

Below, we are going to discuss key points for on-page seo in blogger. you have to follow these on-page seo tips in blogger to get rank your article within weeks.You can also read best on-page seo guide

Start Title with Keywords

when you make title of your article or post then your article should start with your main keyword.

User Friendly URL

Your post permalink or URL must be very short and filled with your main keyword only.

Add Modifiers

Add attractive words after your keyword in your article title. like Best, 2018, Guide. Your article or post title is H1 tag in blogger only.

Add Media: Image / Videos

You must add image for perfectly on-page seo in blogger. You also must add alternative and title text in image.

Add Text in Search Description

Add main description of your article with keywords in search description block in blogger.

Keywords in First Paragraph

Your at least one keyword must be in 1st paragraph, recommended in 1st line.

Internal Links

Connect your articles with each other via internal linking. Internal linking must be with attractive keywords. Not like in, or, of, for etc

Outer Links

You must have link your post with other high quality websites not low quality. This will incease your site quality.

Long Content

Try to write long content as you can. Because long content easily ranked as compare to small content. Your content should be at-least 406 words long.

Site Speed

Your website speed should be fast as you can. Because, site speed become important factor in ranking your articles. Competition become high. So low speed sites are getting derank.

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